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Our Holistic Art Curricullum
Develops These Traits
We favor the Gung-Ho approach to art. Children are encouraged to draw without trembling hesitancy. There is no mistakes in our classes. We also encourage children to present their masterpieces to the class at the end of every lesson.
Creative Thinking
Before beginning on each piece, we teach children to think about the essence of the subject. Big sharp teeth for the crocodile, wooly fluffy coat for the sheep. Then use they own creative strokes to capture the essence. There is always more than one way to capture the subject.
If you succeed to capture the spirit of the subject on your first try, wonderful! Else, just take another piece of paper (we have lots) and try again! Something good is bound to take place eventually. Just don't give up.
Problem Solving
What happens if you do not have the colour you need? What happens if you need a new material to capture the essence of the subject? We encourage children to think out of the box to solve problems.
Social Skills
Children will also be given task to be completed in a group setting. Such as a long mural, or drawing games.Where they learn how to work amicably in a team, learning from each other in the process and celebrate the success of others.
Our Classes
Budding Artist Classes
Designed for children aged 2-6 years old
Young Artist Classes
Designed for children aged 7-9 years old
Intermediate Classes
Designed for children aged 10-12 years old
Advance Classes
Designed for children aged 13-18 years old
Hear what Parents Are Saying about Us
"Little Tribes Art class teaches art abilites and more. I noticed a different in my girl of 8 years old. She is now more out-spoken and is not shy to present her art pieces to the family every week after the lesson."
Lai Ling Chia, Mother
"Ethan definitely enjoy art so much more now. He loves to use whatever materials he can find to create his master pieces. Be it a buttons, stickers and recycled stuff. I am constantly amazed by what he can produce."
Zi Xiang Lim, Father
"Both my daughters attend Little Tribes. I noticed a difference in how they accomplish task at home. They will break up the task split the work. and try to complete it together."
David Heng, Father
"He used to give up easily whenever he encounter problems in his homework. Now he will try to give it a second shot. Sometimes he succeed sometimes he don't. But I am happy he tried. Thank you Little Tribes Art class."
Mattias Sng, Father
"Over the years we stopped some enrichment classes due to financial and time commitments. But Little tribe art classes never stop!""
Siew Teng Lim, Mother
"If there is opening for classes, I say Grab It! You wont't regret this investment in your child.
Paul Teo, Father
Presenting The Little Tribes Art Gallery
So Proud Of Our Little Ones!